Xebic uses Zoom (https://zoom.us) for web events.
The e-mail inviting you to a web event contains a link and a meeting ID.
Example link: https://zoom.us/j/123456789 (note: this is not a valid link)
Meeting ID 123-456-789 (to be used when you start the Zoom app and press the ‘Join a Meeting’ button).
If you have already installed the Zoom app, you get the following screen straight away:
Click “Join with Computer Audio” and you will be in the web event.
If you have not installed the Zoom app yet, you will be asked to do that first. That is not necessary, in fact. You can also follow the web event from your browser. So cancel the file save action and click the “Join from your browser” link. Zoom itself recommends Chrome, but that is not really necessary; We do however recommend that you do not use IE11.
Points for consideration:
- On iPhone and iPad, you have to use the app. This may be less convenient because the chat box is then on a different screen.
- On Android devices, using the app is optional. The same remark about chats applies.
- If you are using the Windows app, the web meeting is displayed in the first instance over the full screen, with the chat box on top. This is convenient if there are several screens. If you do not have that, you can pin the chat box to the right-hand side by clicking “View options” at the top and selecting “Exit full screen”.
- Depending on the web event’s settings, various functions will be available to you (or not, as the case may be).
If you do not see any chats, you can click the chat button on the bottom bar. Depending on whether or not it is in full-screen mode, the chat will either open on the right-hand side or as a screen above the web event’s shared screen.
Note: if you create a Zoom account yourself, you will then regularly receive e-mails or pop-up screens asking whether you want to subscribe to a paid plan. That is not needed for following Xebic web events.
Privacy disclaimer for using zoom.us
At Xebic, we have a contract with Zoom.us for using their tool of the same name. In addition to that contract, we have made agreements about data security when using Zoom.us. Those agreements have been recorded in the processing agreement that we have signed with Zoom.us.
The settings in Xebic’s Zoom account have been optimized so that they only need a minimum of personal data for letting you take part in one of our sessions. The following options are relevant for visitors to our Zoom.us sessions:
- Links with Google and Facebook accounts have been disabled.
- The option for saving recordings in the cloud has been disabled.
- There is no requirement to create an account to take part in our web event; giving an alias is sufficient.
- Video and audio are disabled for all the participants, except the web event’s host.
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