If you have to submit a file, the school or college can determine what type of file you must hand in. The extension of the file you submit must comply with those formats.
OnStage uses the file extension to determine what is known as a ‘MIME type’ (the type of file) to see whether a document is correct for the types chosen for the activity.
The following extensions are allowed for each type of document:
- Text: .doc/.docx/.pdf
- Video: .mp4/.avi/.wmv/.mov/.mpg/.mpeg/.m4v
- Audio: .mp3
- Presentations: .ppt/.pptx
- Spreadsheets:.xls/.xls/.xlsb
- Images: .gif/.jpg/.jpeg/.png/.jfif
- Archives: .zip/.7z/.zip (x-zip variant)/.rar
- Projects: .mpp
- Tech: no restrictions on file types; this is generally used for file types needed for the software for specific study programmes such as CAD etc.
If a file has one of these extensions but cannot be submitted as the corresponding file type, it usually means that the file is not actually of the type suggested by the extension. For example, we know that some operating systems such as iOS let you specify any extension without actually modifying the file type. So keep in mind that you must actually save the file as one of these types and cannot just change the extension.
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