The notifications are first created in the configuration screen for e-mail templates.
The configuration screen for process templates then lets you choose to use the e-mail templates as notifications.
- For each process template, a notification can be sent when the entire pathway has been started or completed.
- Click on "Add trigger"
- For each notification, you can select an e-mail template, choose the addressee and fill in a name for it (which will not be visible to anyone else). When a dossier reaches the threshold defined, the notification will be sent.
- For each activity, a notification can be sent when it is started, completed or cancelled.
- Open the activity.
- In this case too, click on "Add trigger"
- Here again, you can select an e-mail template, choose the addressee and fill in a name for it (which will not be visible to anyone else).
There are extra options for submission and assessment activities. Notifications can be set for various moments within those activities, for instance when the student has handed in their submission, when the teacher has made their assessment, and so forth. This can be found in the activity template for the type ‘Submit and assess documents’.
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