Click the ‘Info’ tab for the student’s dossier. You will then see the log presented as a progress bar at the bottom right of the ‘Info’ tab:
Click ‘>' to view and check the log.
You then see three tabs:
- This shows you the progress bar and the people involved with the dossier (the student, their practical trainer and their practical coach).
- This shows you the logbook weeks that have been submitted.
- This shows the uploaded documents.
The logged weeks that have been submitted can be expanded by clicking them.
Three icons can be seen for each submitted week of the log:
You can click the symbol for each logged day for more details.
In the coach role, you can reject the logbook week (stating the rejection reason; the student can enter and submit the details again) or sign it off. The tick changes from grey to green if the practical trainer has approved the week as submitted. Your actions in the coach role are independent of that.
Signing off the log is only done on a weekly basis.
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