The functional management of OnStage is determined in part by the application’s structure. OnStage functions at the intersection between educational content and educational logistics. Configurations are possible at various levels so that the users also influence the way the application is set up. The department or employee specifically tasked with the functional management of OnStage can use that and help control things:
- Key users can configure processes, so it is important to make sure they know enough about the process steps and the configuration options, and that they keep that knowledge up to date.
- Relationship managers process the organization’s data and vacancies and thereby directly affect the placements process. The same applies for them.
- The managers of coaching groups create those coaching groups using the associated configuration capabilities. The same therefore applies for them too, with the interaction between configuring the process and configuring the coaching groups playing a role too.
- Test developers manage the configuration of the ‘Submitting and assessing’ activities.
In addition, there are specific tasks for the OnStage functional manager:
- Passing on the release notes to the users.
- Providing a second tier of support for the users, with the immediate tier of support being provided by the back office and the key users.
- Entry and maintenance of the correct users and user information for students and staff. The best way to do this is through an automatically implemented integration, but that also requires a certain amount of attention.
- Maintaining contact with the supplier about releases and bugs, as well as the wish-lists and user experiences.
- Maintaining contact with other applications within the school and the people who manage those applications, so that the application landscape can be developed and maintained properly.
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